Reiki For Hay Fever and Seasonal Allergies

Jun 4, 2012 | Healing Music, Wellness | 0 comments

I just came across this really in depth article on how simple Reiki treatment can aid and releve even the most chronic cases of hay fever or seasonal allergies.
Check out the article here
Treating Seasonal Allergies with Reiki
The author of the article, Dr. Lourdes Gray, starts by encouraging you to look for the cause of your allergy stating that in many cases the very first time you started to have the symptoms of the allergic reaction was after some significant event in your life. Once the root of the problem has been identified then Reiki can help in the balancing and normalization of the immune system it can start to function normally again.
She then goes on to explain exactly how the allergy works and how it is simply an over stimulation of our own defense system. The body goes into battle mode (normally as a result of stressful thoughts or actions) and then once in this defensive situation the body starts to fight against all certain substances. The runny eyes, and runny nose are simply the body reacting in a defensive mode and trying to cleanse or purge itself of certain substances (polen, dust etc.).
The article also outlines specific Reiki treatment positions for those initiated in Reiki so as to send energy to all of the glands that are being overstimulated by the allergic reaction. Healing music can be played whilst performing the Reiki treatments which can be normal hands on treatment, self treatment or distance healing treatment.
I cannot do justice to the article here as it is a genuinely complete and in depth piece that enlightened me. I will definitely be using the techniques she talked about in my own reiki practice and will be passing it on to my students too.
If you or anyone you know suffers from allergies then please take the time ti check it out for yourself.