The Chakras – The Sacral Chakra

Nov 12, 2010 | Chakras | 0 comments

2 – The Sacral Chakra

The second chakra, the sacral chakra or Swadisthana in Sanskrit is located some three inches (8 centimeters) below the navel around the area of the pubic bone. The energy from this chakra comes out in the form of a vortex from both the front of the body as described but also from behind in the small of the back.

This chakra is the one that give us the joy of life, the joy of being.

The sacral chakra represents physical pleasure in general and an opening and conquest of sexual energy. It generates desire for unity of opposites and also for sexual unity.

Activation of this chakra can help with matters of trust, patience, wisdom and desire.

When the chakra is blocked it can cause anxiety, fear, frigidity, impotence, general instability and a bottling up of the emotions. It can even cause one to talk too incessantly. The bodily symptoms a blocked sacral chakra can manifest can be kidney problems, bladder and prostate problems and also problems with the sexual organs.

The associated color for the sacral chakra is orange, its element is water, the associated metal is copper and its principal gem stone is Carnelian. Use of this stone helps to counteract depression and exhaustion as the its major properties are to stimulate activity.  Contact with this stone give one a feeling of self security and confidence, peace and balance. it can be used to help with treatments of diabetes, the liver, arthritis and all sorts of nervous complaints. It serves us best as a way of distancing any external negative vibrations that might be affecting us. This stone can help us to become more balanced and to give us serenity. It can also help to attract peace.

The psychological aspects of the sacral chakra when it is in balance are patience, confidence and resistance to external influences. It is also directly associated with the function of sexuality and the sexual organs. The psychological aspects of the sacral chakra when it is out of balance are anxiety, fear, too much talking as a mechanism for not accepting ones situation, sexual disfunction and inability to feel emotions or feeling overly emotional.

To balance the chakra you can use meditation music in the key of D and imagine a ball of orange light centered around the area of the chakra. Imagine a 6 petalled orange lotus flower slowly opening and rotating over the chakra. The 6 petalled orange lotus flower is represented in the Sanskrit Mandala for the chakra.