

Days for the Chakras?

Days for the Chakras?

  The Holy Numbers - AUDIO: Thursday is GREEN Chakra Day This is from a website I just stumbled upon. They suggest that each of the chakras can be related to a day of the week. 7 Days, 7 chakras....  makes sense right? We know that the chakras resonate to a...

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Pain Relief Through Meditation

Pain Relief Through Meditation

Meditation Can Be More Effective Than Morphine An article was published this week in the British newspaper the telegraph stating that the result of a recent study shows that meditation can be used effectively for pain management. The test was in fact not medically...

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Pop Star Miley Cyrus Promotes Meditation

Pop Star Miley Cyrus Promotes Meditation

In a recent interview the internationally famous pop star Miley Cyrus was quoted as saying that young girls should be spending more time meditating instead of worrying about what other people think about them. This is a great sentiment but I'm not sure what sort of...

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