

Pop Star Miley Cyrus Promotes Meditation

Pop Star Miley Cyrus Promotes Meditation

In a recent interview the internationally famous pop star Miley Cyrus was quoted as saying that young girls should be spending more time meditating instead of worrying about what other people think about them. This is a great sentiment but I'm not sure what sort of...

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The Chakras – The Root Chakra

The Chakras – The Root Chakra

1 - The Root Chakra The root chakra, Muladhara by its Sanskrit name is located at the base of the spinal column. at the area of the perineum between the anus and the genitals. This is one of the most important chakras as it is the one that gives us stability. It is...

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The Chakras – The Sacral Chakra

The Chakras – The Sacral Chakra

2 - The Sacral Chakra The second chakra, the sacral chakra or Swadisthana in Sanskrit is located some three inches (8 centimeters) below the navel around the area of the pubic bone. The energy from this chakra comes out in the form of a vortex from both the front of...

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The Chakras – The Solar Plexus Chakra

The Chakras – The Solar Plexus Chakra

3 - The Solar Plexus Chakra The third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, Manipura in Sanskrit is positioned just above the navel. As with the all but the root and the crown, the energy flows out from this chakra in the form of a vortex from both the front and the back...

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The Chakras – The Heart Chakra

The Chakras – The Heart Chakra

4 - The Heart Chakra The fourth chakra, the heart chakra is known as Anahatta in ancient Sanskrit. It is located right in the center of the chest. Its energy flows out of the front of the chest and to a lesser extent also out of the back at a point directly behind....

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